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sonic soil


The Earth’s soil is the most biodiverse and least understood ecosystem on the planet. Over half of all Earth’s species live in the soil, and those billions of species interact in a complex, inter-dependent biome that cycles nutrients and creates the ideal conditions for all above-ground life to grow and thrive.

We are losing our soil ecosystems at an alarming rate. It is estimated we have already lost a third of our global arable soils and continue to lose ~24 billion tons annually (Sustainable Trust). That’s 3 tons for every person on the planet, every year. This is largely due to chemically and physically intensive industrial agricultural methods.

Biofonic is unearthing new soil insights to accelerate sustainable land management through its below-ground acoustic sensors and AI.

for an interspecies future

Farmers and land managers need better intelligence and accessible solutions to de-risk the transition toward net-zero methods.

Key to this is advancing scientific know-how to improve methods and cultivate the complex communities of hidden organisms that naturally protect and build climate resilience into our soil.

Our mutual understanding is necessary to our mutual survival.

with Funding & Support from

Research Partners